On Jan 26, 2021 a stray DSH intact male (cryptorchid, right testicle in inguinal region) DSH brown tabby. We named him Link.  He was estimated to be about 5 years old (DOB 1-26-16).  He was found bleeding from the mouth and nose in the ditch at Bucklake and Chaires Cross, not far from the  St. Marks River.  It looked like he had been hit by a car.  He had fractures of the lower jaw in several places.  He also sustained fractures to 3 of his 4 canine teeth.  Surgery was performed to wire Link’s lower jaw back together upon presentation.  He developed an infection so the wire was removed a few days after that, but the jaw was much more stable by then.  He had surgery to neuter him in February (both scrotal and inguinal testicles removed).  It took some time, but once his jaw was completely healed (in April), he had a final surgery to extract the fractured teeth.  He ended up needing 9 teeth extracted.  Link is all healed.  He has tested negative for FeLV/FIV twice, has been fully vaccinated and  microchipped.  He loves to be held (though he slobbers a bit when he is really content).  He can get overstimulated at times and give you a nip when he is done with petting.  Link is ready to go home. 

Name: Link
Species: DSH
Gender: Male/Neutered
Birthday: 01/26/16
Current Location: Fat Cat Cafe
Minimum Adoption Donation: $75